Reflection 8 (Module 7: Action Project)

 In our action project, we chose to apply an application called Classpoint into my class in order to see how it worked in promoting students' participation.  At that time, due to the pandemic of Covid 19, all classes were taught and learned online, so we prepared lesson plans and power-point slides for online lessons. I was in charge of teaching the lesson while my friends wrote the lesson plan and observed the class. The first time I introduced Classpoint to my students did not consume much time as I had expected. The students excelled in using online learning application and they did not have any difficulty in logging and learning through Classpoint. However, one thing that I did not expect was that Classpoint  limited the number of students in one learning session. Only 25 students who were faster could get a place in the app, so the other had to interact with teacher through chat box. After the first lesson using Classpoint, our group had a discussion and decided to upgrade our account so that there would not be any limitation in using this app.

After a few weeks, students were allowed to go back to school so our group had to change the plan since initially we designed the lesson plans and activities for online classes. In the first offline lesson, I also used Classpoint  in my teaching; however, there were some problems arising like students forgot to bring their devices to the class, the Internet connection was not stable, students got distracted by commenting on others' devices, and some even played games during the lessons. It took me quite a long time to deal with all these problems, so the lesson did not finish as I and my groups had planned. 

In the next discussion, we also made some changes to the lesson plan. We realized that Classpoint  worked better with group-activities in offline classroom; therefore, we did not use Classpoint in every activity anymore, we limited using Classpoint for individual activities and increase using it in group-work task. 

Since we only had three weeks to complete our project, there were still other things that we wanted to apply in our lesson by using Classpoint and other learning tools. Classpoint has proven effective in teaching online classes, but we still wanted to explore its full potential, particularly in offline lessons.

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